The Arte anime mainly takes place in Florence with some episodes featuring Venice. Florence lies with in Tuscany in Italy. These are the locations @LordHelmchenx and @And3rgraund (me) have researched and visited during September 2021.
At the end of this blog article, you can find a Google Maps which include all the locations we have visited, if you want to visit Florence and Tuscany yourself. ^_^
Museo di San Marco
Piazza della Santissima Annunziata
Via dai Servi
Piazza del Doumo
Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore
Palazzo Davanzati
Piazza della Signoria
Ponte Santa Trinita
Ponte Vecchio
Chiesa di Santo Spirito
Piazzale Michelangelo
As you might have noticed, Arte is more of a budget production with less detailed backgrounds. Still it was a nice and pleasent watch and I can still recommend it if you like slow paced slice of life anime. It is not a must watch, but esspecially in combination with a trip to Tuscany/Italy it wasn’t a waste of time. ^_^
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